Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
The Chesapeake Bay Paddle consists of three race distances;
1) A 35 mile, solo and team, circumnavigation race for OC1/2s, surfskis, SUPs, and kayaks (both single and multi-person) starting and finishing at Kent Island Yacht Club, Kent Island, MD. No support boats provided for solo/ small team paddlers.
A 35 mile OC6 circumnavigation Change Race starting and finishing at Kent Island Yacht Club, Kent Island, MD
This is ECORA's (East Coast Outrigger Association) only change race and is worth double points for the point series! Please register as a team. To register, please have the captain register first for either the Men's, Women's or Mixed categories. Once the waiver has been signed, please have the captain click Create a New Team and enter the team name. Subsequent team members can then register under the same team name.There is a maximum of 9 in the Men's and Women's race and 10 in the Mixed race, with a maximum of 5 men.
Chase boats will be provided at a cost of $500 for all OC6 teams ONLY. The $500 chase boat/ captain fee will be paid by the OC6 team on race day directly to the boat captain. For the Change Race, we will do our best to accommodate the use of canoes, on first come, first served basis for teams needing to use another club’s canoe. A $150 for spec canoes and $200 for unlimited canoes trailering fee is to be paid by the team using another club’s canoe. Canoe availability is strictly on a first come, first served basis. Please contact to request canoes or if you know you are trailering canoes and might have extra canoes for other teams to use with a trailer use fee. All canoe rentals must go through KIOCC so they can track canoes and canoe availability. Teams can not arrange their own rental canoes. Please reach out to KIOCC if needing to rent canoes or have canoes to rent.
2) A 10 mile, solo only, out and back race designed for OC1/2's, surfskis, SUPs, kayaks, OC6's (both single and multi-person) starting and finishing at Kent Island Yacht Club, Kent Island, MD.
3) A 3 mile, solo only, out and back race designed for OC1/2's, surfskis, SUPs, kayaks, OC6's (both single and multi-person) starting and finishing at Kent Island Yacht Club, Kent Island, MD.
After the race, join us for a vibrant post-race celebration featuring a festive luau and refreshing beverages courtesy of the Kent Island Yacht Club. Each racer will receive a meal ticket and a drink ticket for the festivities. Stay tuned for further details on the luau extravaganza.
The race will benefit Chesapeake Conservancy’s efforts to designate the Chesapeake Bay as a National Park, WaterKeepers Chesapeake to help keep the waters and rivers of the Bay healthy and Oyster Recovery Partnership’s work to plant 10 billion oysters in the Bay.
100% of your registration fee is tax deductible as a charitable donation. Bay Paddle is a registered 501c3 and all proceeds from participants are donated to Oyster Recovery Partnership, Chesapeake Conservancy and Waterkeepers Chesapeake.
Paddle Guide for Bay Paddle 2024 will be out in April 2024 2024 Bay Paddle Paddler Guide - Google Docs
Registration cut off for meals and t shirts will be June 29th.
Schedule of Events:
Friday July 19, 2024
5-7pm- Check in and packet pick up for 35mile race
6pm-645pm- Yoga for paddlers with Carleen from Yoga Barn
7pm- Mandatory Captains meeting for OC6 change race with chase boats
NO Saturday morning Check-In & Packet Pick Up for OC6
Saturday July 20, 2024
35 mile race
6- 7am- Arrival Check in
7:15am All boats need to be rigged
7:30am Safety meeting and Pule/ Prayer with race blessing
7:45- all OC6 boats on the water and going to start
8am – 35 mile OC6 race start
10 mile Race
9am- 1030am- Race Check In/ Packet pick up
10:30am- Safety Briefing
10:45am- On the water
11:00am- Race Start
3 mile Race
9am- 1030am- Race Check In/ Packet pick up
10:30am- Safety Briefing
11:15am- On the water
11:30am- Race Start
Post Race Luau and Awards
2pm- 5pm Includes luau food and entertainment.
3pm Awards for 10mile and 3mile
3:30pm Luau Dancers
4pm Awards fir 0C6
OC6 teams MUST to be registered by June 20th in order to secure boat captains and support boats.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Interactive Race Day Experience with RaceJoy
Live Phone Tracking, GPS Progress Alerts and Cheers!
We are providing you with RaceJoy as part of the official race experience for the Chesapeake Bay Paddle - hosted by Kent Island Outrigger Canoe Club.
Download the RaceJoy mobile app in advance to ensure proper phone setup. Invite your friends and family to track you and send you cheers!
Some key RaceJoy features include:
GPS Progress Alerts
- Receive continual progress updates as you complete your goal.
Live GPS Tracking
- Remote spectators can track your progress live in a map view. You can also track others.
- Receive supportive audio cheers from remote friends & family.
Virtual Results (virtual events only)
- Enter your race-assigned bib number to automatically submit your finish data for real-time scored results.
Kent Island Yacht Club