The RVACA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.

The RVACA is here to protect RV owner’s rights and help individuals in distress. When natural disasters strike and homes are destroyed, Gigi, CEO of the RVACA, donated campers. When your life is suddenly turned upside down, and everything you owned is gone, to be given a place to sleep at night is the greatest gift to receive. From Hurricane Andrew to Irma, Gigi has been donating her own RVs for post-hurricane relief.                 Gigi has also donated a camper to an II year old with leukemia so that he could travel around the country raising money and awareness for his cause. Gigi also donated five campers to Monroe County Sheriff Deputies who were left homeless after a hurricane.  RV Advisor strives to help people who need help. Tragedy can come in the shape of a massive hurricane or a deceptive RV contract. When tragedy strikes, sometimes the only light in the darkness is RVACA.

The RVACA is an alliance of RV owners and users, fighting to protect our rights in and out of court. Working with RV dealers and manufacturers to ensure processes are in place to enhance the quality of RVs and to provide legal assistance to those unable to find help with their current RV issues is what you can expect from the RVACA and more. 

2051 Griffin Road, Dania Beach (954) 514-7860
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM